Buyers to be reimbursed for charger costs by Ola Electric and Ather Energy

Ola Electric and Ather Energy have announced that they will reimburse the cost of chargers to buyers of electric scooters as a step towards promoting the EV ecosystem. The companies made the announcement in separate statements on Twitter, emphasizing their commitment to prioritizing customers’ interests and setting an example for others to follow.

Ola Electric acknowledged the recent debate surrounding charger pricing, which has been fueled by vested interest groups, and affirmed its leadership role in the industry. The company stated that it has witnessed unprecedented success in the EV industry in recent years and is committed to continuing to put customers first. To that end, Ola Electric has decided to reimburse the charger monies to all eligible customers, irrespective of the technicalities involved.

Ather Energy, on the other hand, disclosed that it has been in discussions with the Ministry of Heavy Industries in recent weeks regarding the bundling of chargers with the purchase of an EV scooter. The company revealed that while there is no legal compliance requirement to bundle chargers, it recently decided to bundle the charger with the vehicle. This move is intended to ensure that customers have access to a reliable and convenient charging infrastructure and to promote EV adoption in India.

The announcement by Ola Electric and Ather Energy is expected to have a positive impact on the EV ecosystem in India, where the adoption of electric vehicles is still in its nascent stage. By reimbursing the cost of chargers, the companies are effectively lowering the cost of ownership for customers, which is likely to encourage more people to switch to electric vehicles. This move will also help to address the issue of range anxiety among customers, which is one of the biggest barriers to EV adoption.

Overall, the decision by Ola Electric and Ather Energy to reimburse the cost of chargers to buyers of electric scooters is a positive step towards promoting the EV ecosystem in India. It is hoped that other companies in the industry will follow suit and take similar measures to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles.